Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh yea, youre supposed to update this thing

Ha, I guess having a blog means I need to write stuff in it. My week in warhammer consisted of one fantastic feat...i finally finished my fucking movement trays! Sweet. Well I finished them enough to put units on...they still need texturing and priming/painting, but I need to move ahead and put units together. I started this pretty much immediately by making 10 Dark Riders. I actually have a good assortment of models for the DR, 6 of the new metal ones and 4 converted glade riders with 3 of the wild stallion looking dark horses and 7 of the anorexic wood elf ones. These units are so far my favorites, yes I like them better than Cold One knights...simply put: they are awesome. The CoK's great looking units, their individual bits are pretty epic and the Cold Ones look fantastic; but compared to how I did the DR they are way to static. I tried some different things with the DR, a little bit of converting and some posing and they became a very dynamic unit. I need to get a camera, or acess to one so I can poste pictures of them.
I suppose now I will move on to some more staple units, I don't know if I should start with the 30 repeater crossbowmen or 70 warriors I have, lol.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The start of something new

Well, I recently got roped into the Warhammer world...and I have to say I'm better off for it. I didn't do this in the traditional way, mind you. Start small, get a feel for the game, expand your army bit by bit...No, I am an extremist. I played a total of 2 small sized games, put together a 16 peice unit, and then proceeded to buy a complete Dark Elf army! I don't regret this seemingly brash decision as I don't believe I've ever done something as multifaceted as WHFB; something that is both inherently immersed in my long-time interest of the nerdy fantasy setting and that brings out a whole new realm of painting/model crafting, which i find surprisingly satisfying.

The hobby brings me to a new level of gaming...tabletop RTS/TBS. I have to admit that I am notoriously famous for sucking at this genre, however it's been a fun journey so far (except for the whole Shade-Star fiasco, but I will expound that later). The hobby for me is a manifestation of 5 key elements:

1) I am a list whore- I could spend a whole day pouring over my army book coming up with lists

2) Warhammer does a great job immersing the player in its setting, if he cares to do so

3) I love reading/learning rulebooks- I'm on my second re-read of the BRB

4) I found that I desperately needed to occupy myself with a physical craft- Putting together/painting models not only placates this desire but is extremely relaxing/rewarding.

5) The game is legit- After a few small to mid range games I can already say that I'm hooked. I am, slowly putting together my host of Dark Elves and fucking blogging about it. Why Druchii? I think that most people consider me a "good" person, but when I play fantasy games I generally gravitate towards the "evil" side. This is because beneath my mild mannered facade rests a tortured soul, waiting to release the vile and wicked energy within. No not really, I like the bad guys because they are the underdogs, and because it allows me to adopt a different persona from time to time. The Druchii are quite possibly the most evil beings I've come the point that reading the fluff gets to be disturbing; this doesn't bother me because it provides a different perspective in literature and I'm glad for the reprieve from the infallible do-gooder that most authors are so obsessed with.